Are You A Lukewarm Christian? Are There Hot Christian Vs Lukewarm Christians? What You Need To Know

Lukewarm Christian: Have you been told you are a lukewarm Christian or that God was so disappointed with your lack of works that He’d consider Spitting you out of His mouth?
What is a lukewarm Christian, and what is the difference between someone who is “lukewarm” and someone who is “hot” or “cold”?
Is this a God-inspired teaching, or man-made bible teaching? What was the Church of Laodicea like? Today you will learn what a Lukewarm Christian really is (or isn’t).
The Religious Deception: Revelation 3:16 says “So because you are lukewarm and neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of My mouth” and religion says this is a warning message to Christians who better get busy. They say God would rather you be cold and do nothing than just lukewarm, so you better get on fire for God or He will spit you out of his mouth.
The Truth From a Grace Perspective: In this video, you will discover that Revelation 3:14-22 is addressing unbelievers in Laodicea. This was a wealthy area that had hot springs and cold springs (both good) pumped in from far away, but by the time it got there it was ‘lukewarm’ (bad). The recipients of this letter understood what was going on. The writer is saying God wants them to either be hot or cold (both Good), and we’ll see that lukewarm was not acceptable because it refers to the sin of unbelief. Lukewarm described non-believers, not lack of works, and if we just read the closing verses we’d see that. He calls them poor. Blind. Naked. He tells them they need white garments. He says they need to be able ‘see’. All of these describe unbelievers, not lazy Christians. The solution he gives was not more works, but instead, He writes Revelation 3 verse 20 “if anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come into him and will dine with him”. It’s a beautiful gospel message to religious people who have not opened the door of their hearts to let Jesus in.
“Lukewarm” – Describes Unbelievers, Not Lack of Works From Christians
God never said He’d rather we do nothing than to be lukewarm
Does God Spit Out Lukewarm Christians? Revelation 3:15-16 Explained
Here we address the false teaching that God would spit out a lukewarm Christian, and this idea that God would rather you be a cold Christian, than lukewarm.
[Revelation 3:15-16] “I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other! 16 So, because you are lukewarm—neither hot nor cold—I am about to spit you out of my mouth.
So the question is does God Really SPIT Lukewarm Christians out of His mouth, or have we misinterpreted this verse?
Is this message saying God would rather you be a cold Christian doing nothing than lukewarm doing just a little?
Contrary to popular teaching, the answer is – HECK No! Let’s see what this spit/vomit stuff is REALLY about. First, read the verses:
[Revelation 3:15-20] “I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other! (16) So, because you are lukewarm—neither hot nor cold—I am about to spit you out of my mouth. (17) You say, ‘I am rich; I have acquired wealth and do not need a thing.’ But you do not realize that you are wretched, pitiful, poor, BLIND and NAKED. (18) I counsel you to buy from me gold refined in the fire, so you can become rich; and white clothes to wear, so you can cover your shameful nakedness; and salve to put on your eyes, so you can SEE.
(19) Those whom I love I rebuke and discipline. So be earnest and repent.(20) Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and OPENS THE DOOR, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me.
Here’s the correct teaching. If we understand the story we realize that the “lukewarm” are nonbelievers, and they are certainly not Christians that aren’t doing enough works.
Laodicea was extremely wealthy and unlike most areas, they were able to have water piped in. The water came from two far-away sources, one from hot springs (which is GOOD for things like bathing) the other from cold springs which also is GOOD for things like drinking. The problem was by the time the water got to Laodicea it was neither HOT or COLD (both GOOD), but instead, it was LUKEWARM. It was nasty, and the people of Laodicea could identify with the term lukewarm. So, cold and hot are both good. Some teach that this “cold” was a BAD Christian who was sinning and not doing enough works and teach these verses as saying that God would rather a Christian be bad (cold) than just lukewarm. Think about how ridiculous that sounds. So this scripture is really about hot and cold BOTH being GOOD (in Christ by faith) and lukewarm being BAD (not saved, no faith).
Notice how lukewarm people are described in later verses. No mention of works or sinning, but rather terms that described not being in Christ-the light. Verse 17 they are BLIND. Blind was a very common term for nonbelievers in Jesus. They needed to see the truth. They were NAKED (not clothed in the righteousness of Christ). The term “repent” in verse 19 was not about repenting of sin, but rather this particular version of repent in its root in the Greek meant “change your mind”. The message was to change your mind about what makes you righteous. Realize it’s not through the law, it’s through Jesus. And let’s not miss the very simple solution in the final verses 20-21. It basically said here’s your solution…. He’s knocking and if any of us HEARS and OPEN THE DOOR He will eat with us! Sounds like the door was not previously opened to me! Does that sound like a solution of doing more works or a solution of FAITH that was needed?
These verses in Revelation 3 are not about God hating Christians who don’t have an impressive resume of works, and therefore spitting them out. It’s about God’s view of lukewarm blind people that turn to the law for their righteousness and ignore Jesus as the only way to righteousness, to holiness, to forgiveness, and to God.
God is very kind and He loves His children. He will never leave you or forsake you. When you are faithless He will remain faithful. He is able to save you completely because He lives forever (Heb 7:24-25). Amen, God is good indeed.
On a final note, yes, all Christians will have works (some many, some few) but what does God care more about – works or faith? Let’s see what Jesus told the Pharisees when they asked Him what kind of works would impress God. Note the Pharisees said works, plural, and Jesus answer with a singular work.
[John 6:28-29] 28 Then they asked him, “What must we do to do the works God requires?” 29 Jesus answered, “The work of God is this: to believe in the one he has sent.”
In Summary:
Revelation 3:15-16 is part of the book of Revelation, written by the Apostle John. These verses are part of the message to the church in Laodicea. The verses read as follows in the New International Version (NIV):
“I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other! So, because you are lukewarm—neither hot nor cold—I am about to spit you out of my mouth.”
Traditionally, many have understood “hot” to symbolize zealous or passionate faith, “cold” as being completely indifferent or opposed to the faith, and “lukewarm” as being a state of complacency or half-heartedness in faith. But your question invites us to consider another interpretation, one informed by the geography and resources of Laodicea.
Laodicea, a city in Asia Minor (modern-day Turkey), did not have its own water supply. It had to bring water in from hot springs from Hierapolis and cold water from Colossae. By the time the hot water reached Laodicea, it would lose its heat and become lukewarm, and the cold water would lose its refreshing chill and also become lukewarm. Thus, hot and cold water were useful, but lukewarm water was not.
If we apply this understanding to the verses, “hot” and “cold” could be interpreted as believers – those who are spiritually beneficial or “useful” – hot perhaps being those fervent in their belief, and cold being those who might be less expressive but still sincerely hold their faith. The “lukewarm” would then be those who claim to be believers but are not genuinely so, thus being of no spiritual “use” or benefit. In this interpretation, the verse is not targeting lazy or half-hearted believers but rather those who pretend to be part of the church without genuine faith – thus, the unbelievers you mentioned.
Biblical interpretation often requires considering the cultural and historical context, the original languages, and various theological perspectives. It’s always valuable to engage in thoughtful discussions about these interpretations with others and consult various resources to broaden understanding.
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Thank You so much Mike for explaining the Bible to me. It has been so much help for me understanding the Grace/Love/Kindness/Forgiveness/Compassion, and the Mercy that our God has for His children. I really enjoy how you show us what was really said and meant in the Bible without a religious doctrine agenda. THANK YOU Again Mike. Keep Up The Good Work. God Bless
Hi 👋 DEARLY BLESSED members, partners and friends of JESUS WITHOUT RELIGION! Could you please pray for me to receive Forgiveness from God? I have been struggling with unbelief and want to be delivered from it, so LORD GOD Won’t spit me out. THANK YOU AND CORDIALLY YOURS TRULY BY Afeni Makeba ( Makebe, Makebea) Nelson!